background image

Operating Instructions

Mode d’emploi

Manual de instrucciones

Sony Corporation © 2001  Printed in Korea



Cordless Stereo

The Separately sold processor is necessary

The headphones cannot be used alone.
Use the separately sold Sony Digital Surround
Headphone System MDR-DS8000.

The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only
those countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in
the countries EEA (European Economic Area).

Setting up the

The supplied rechargeable batteries should be charged
before using them for the first time.
Please refer to the manual of MDR-DS8000 for more


Open the battery compartment lid on top of
the left housing.


Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries.


Close the battery compartment lid.

Battery life


Usage time stated above may vary according to the
temperature or conditions of use.


Manganese batteries cannot be used with this unit.

When to replace the battery

Replace the  batteries with new ones when the
POWER indicator on the right side of the headphones
dims, or distortion occurs and hissing noise increases.

If the battery compartment lid comes off
the headphones

As shown in the illustration, align 




, and 




, reattach, and then slide the cover in place.


To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
expose the unit to rain or moisture.

To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place objects
filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus.

To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet.
Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.

For the customers in the U.S.A.

Owner’s Record

The model number is located on the right inner side of
the headband. The serial number is located at the
inner side of the battery compartment.
Record these numbers in the spaces provided below.
Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony
dealer regarding this product.

Model No. MDR-IF8000
Serial No. 



This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following

– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and


– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit

different from that to which the receiver is

– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV

technician for help.


Infrared rays receptor

Battery Type

Sony R6(size AA) rechargeable
nickel-metal hydride batteries
(NH-AA: supplied)
Sony alkaline battery LR6 (SG)

Usage time

Approx. 7 hours


(when fully
Approx. 7 hours


(Suite au verso 




Insert the 


side first

Self-adjusting band

Raise the

Lower the

par insérer
le côté 




Modulation System


Secondary carrier wave frequency

4.5 MHz

Playback frequency range

12 – 24,000 Hz

Power requirements

Rechargeable nickel-metal hydride
batteries (supplied or sold separately) or
R6 (size AA) alkaline batteries


Approx. 350 g (10 oz)  (including the
supplied rechargeable nickel-metal
hydride batteries)

Supplied accessories

Rechargeable nickel-metal hydride batteries
NH-AA(1,700 mAh) (2)
Operating Instructions (1)

Design and specifications are subject to change
without notice.

Listening to a

If you use the MDR-DS8000, read the manual for the
MDR-DS8000 too.


Turn on the component connected to the


Press POWER to turn on the processor.


Put on the headphones.

The POWER indicator lights red, and the
headphones automatically turn on.


Adjust the volume.


Set the head tracking function to ON.
(When the output mode of the processor is

Face the source (for example, your TV) and switch the
HEAD TRACKING switch to ON.  Wait for 2 seconds
without moving.
Do not move your head until the head tracking system
is stabilized. No sound is output for this period.
After the head tracking system stabilizes, playback
sound can be heard. After this, even if you turn your
head in any direction, the sound will be heard as if
from the front.


• Always wear the headphones vertically so that

the head tracking system will be stable.

• Whenever the HEAD TRACKING switch is set

to ON, and whenever you put on the
headphones with its power on, always wait for 2
seconds without moving your head as the head
tracking system newly stabilizes each time.

• If the sound from the headphones (while facing

your TV) seems to be different from the
actual direction of your TV, face forwards and
press the RESET button on the headphones.

The headphones automatically turn off
when they are taken off
— Auto Power On/Off Function

When not in use, be careful not to hang the
headphones in such a way as to activate the Auto
Power On function, as this will consume battery

To check the remaining battery power

Pull up the self-adjusting band and check the POWER
indicator. The batteries are still serviceable when the
POWER indicator lights red.
Charge the rechargeable batteries or use new alkaline
batteries if the POWER indicator flashes and an
intermittent beep sound is heard from the

If no sound is heard from the headphones

A short beep sound is heard repeatedly and the
Muting Function is automatically activated if the
sound output from the headphones is cut off when the
headphones are outside the infrared transmission
area, or when the infrared signals are interrupted. The
Muting Function is automatically cancelled when you
get closer to the processor or there is no longer
anything in the way of the infrared signals.


On safety

• Do not drop, hit, or otherwise expose the processor

or headphones to strong shocks of any kind. This
could damage the product.

• Do not disassemble or attempt to open any parts

of the system.

Do not place the system in any of the
following locations.

• Location exposed to direct sunlight, near a heater, or

other extremely high-temperature location

• Bathroom or other high-humidity locations

On headphones

Act considerately

When the volume is too high, the sound leaks
outside the headphones. Be careful not to raise the
volume too high that it bothers people around you.
There is a tendency to raise the volume when
using in noisy places. However, the volume should
be kept at a level where you can respond when
called while listening to the headphones.

On ear pads

The ear pads are replaceable. Replace them when
they are worn out. To replace the ear pads, consult
your nearest Sony dealer.


Check and try the suggestions below before you bring
your headphones to a repair service. Should any
problem persist, consult your nearest Sony dealer.

No sound


Check the connection between the processor
and the AV component.


Turn on the AV component connected to the
processor, and start the programme (playback).


If you connect the processor to an AV
component using the headphone jacks, raise
the volume level on the connected AV


Raise the headphone volume.


The batteries of the headphones are completely
• Pull up the self-adjusting band and if the

POWER indicator is turned off, charge the
rechargeable batteries or replace the alkaline
batteries.  If the POWER indicator is still
turned off, take the unit to your nearest Sony


The head tracking function does not work
• When the HEAD TRACKING switch is set to

ON after putting the headphones on your
head, or when you put them on with the
HEAD TRACKING switch ON, wait for 2
seconds without moving your head. If you
hear no sound even after trying this, take off
the headphones and then, put them on again.

Distorted sound


If you connect the processor to an AV
component using the headphone jacks, lower
the volume level on the connected AV

Low sound


If you connect the processor to an AV
component using the headphone jacks, raise
the volume level on the connected AV


Raise the headphone volume.

Short beep sound is heard.


The headphones cannot receive infrared rays
from the processor.
• Turn on the processor.
• Check the connection between the processor

and the AC power adaptor, between the AC
power adaptor and the AC power socket.

• Check if there is an obstacle between the

processor and the headphones.

• Use the headphones nearer to the processor.
• Change the position or angle of the processor.
• Check if your hand or hair covers the

infrared signal sensor of the headphones.

• If you use the headphones near a window

exposed to direct sunlight, draw a curtain or a
blind to block the sunlight. Or use the
headphones where you are not exposed to the
direct sunlight.

• If you use the headphones near a plasma

display panel, move away from it.

Long beep sound is heard.


The batteries of the headphones are exhausted.
Pull up the self-adjusting band and if the
POWER indicator is flashing, charge the
rechargeable batteries or replace the alkaline
batteries. If the POWER indicator is still
flashing and beep sound is still heard, take the
unit to your nearest Sony dealer.

The sound from the headphones seems to
be different from the actual direction of
your TV.


Face forward ( your TV) and press the
RESET button on the headphones.


Afin d’éviter tout risque d’incendie ou
d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet
appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité.

Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution,
ne posez pas de récipients remplis d’eau (p. ex. des
vases) sur l’appareil.

Afin d’écarter tout risque d’électrocution, ne pas
ouvrir le boîtier. Ne confier l’entretien de l’appareil
qu’à un personnel qualifié.

Préparation du casque

Les piles rechargeables fournies doivent être chargées
avant leur première utilisation.
Veuillez vous reporter au mode d’emploi du MDR-
DS8000 pour obtenir plus d’informations.


Ouvrez le couvercle du logement des piles
sur le haut du boîtier gauche.


Insérez deux piles R6 (format AA).


Fermez le couvercle du logement des piles.

Durée d’utilisation des piles

* La durée d’utilisation indiquée ci-dessus peut varier

selon la température ou les autres conditions


N’utilisez pas de piles au manganèse dans cet

Remplacement des piles

Remplacez les piles par des piles neuves lorsque le
témoin POWER sur la droite du casque devient
sombre ou lorsque vous constatez des distorsions et
que et le sifflement augmente.

Réinstallation du couvercle du logement
des piles si celui-ci se détache

Comme indiqué sur le schéma ci-dessous, alignez 








, refixez puis faites glisser le

couvercle pour le remettre en place.


Nous vous félicitons pour l’achat de ce casque stéréo à
infrarouges Sony MDR-IF8000. Avant la mise en
service de cet appareil, prière de lire attentivement ce
mode d’emploi et de le conserver pour toute référence
Cet appareil offre, entre autres, les fonctions
• Casque d’écoute sans fil utilisant un système de

transmission numérique à infrarouges dont la
qualité sonore égale celle des disques compacts. Ce
casque isole des bruits extérieurs et des interférences
(transmission non compressée).

• Afin d’offrir un son plus réaliste, un système de

détection des mouvements de la tête est intégré au

• Mécanisme auto-ajustable qui évite à l’utilisateur

d’avoir à régler la taille du serre-tête.

• Fonction de mise sous tension et hors tension

automatique : le casque se met automatiquement
sous tension lorsqu’il est posé sur la tête et hors
tension lorsqu’il est retiré.

• Bouton VOL permettant de régler le volume droit et

gauche du casque.

• Casque d’écoute alimenté avec des piles

rechargeables nickel-hydrure métallique (fournies et
vendues séparément) ou des piles alcalines R6 de
taille AA (vendues séparément).


Le MDR-DS8000 est un système de casque d’écoute
ambiophonique numérique utilisant la transmission
infrarouges numérique.
Vous pouvez profiter des avantages d’un son
ambiophonique multicanal (le son “surround”) avec
ce casque d’écoute en raccordant tout simplement le
processeur ambiophonique numérique sur un lecteur
de DVD, un téléviseur numérique, un récepteur de
diffusion numérique par satellite, etc., à l’aide du
câble de raccordement numérique optique fourni.

Le processeur vendu séparément est

Le casque ne peut pas être utilisé seul.
Utilisez le système de casque ambiophonique
numérique Sony MDR-DS8000 vendu séparément.

La validité du marquage CE est limitée uniquement
aux pays dans lesquels il fait force de loi, c’est-à-dire
principalement dans les pays de I’EEE (Espace
économique européen).


Les accumulateurs à hydrure
métallique de nickel sont
Vous pouvez contribuer à
préserver l’environnement en
rapportant les piles usées dans
un point de collection et
recyclage le plus proche.

Pour plus d’informations sur le recyclage des
accumulateurs, téléphonez
le numéro gratuit 1-800-822-8837 (Etats-Unis et Canada
uniquement), ou visitez

Ne pas utilliser des accumulateurs à hydrure
métallique de nickel qui sont endommagées ou qui

Type de pile

Piles rechargeables au
nickel-hydrure métallique
Sony R6 de format AA
(batteries NH-AA: fournies)
Pile alcaline LR6 (SG) de Sony

Durée d’utilisation

Environ 7 heures*
(complètement chargées)

Environ 7 heures*


Nickel Metal Hydride batteries
are recyclable.
You can help preserve our
environment by returning your
used rechargeable batteries to
the collection and recycling
location nearest you.

For more information regarding recycling of
rechargeable batteries, call toll free
1-800-822-8837, or visit

Do not handle damaged or leaking Nickel Metal
Hydride batteries.

You are cautioned that any changes or modifications
not expressly approved in this manual could void
your authority to operate this equipment.


Thank you for purchasing the Sony
MDR-IF8000 Cordless Stereo Headphones.  Before
operating the unit, please read this manual
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Some features are:
• Cordless headphones using a digital infrared

transmission system which provides the same sound
quality as compact discs, resistant to external noise
and interference. (uncompressed transmission)

• Equipped with the head tracking system in the

headphones to create more realistic sound.

• Self-adjusting mechanism eliminating the need for

headband adjustment.

• Auto Power On/Off Function to automatically turn

on the headphones when they are put on and to turn
them off when they are taken off.

• VOL control for adjusting both the right and left

volume of the headphones.

• Rechargeable nickel-metal hydride batteries

(supplied and sold separately) or R6 (size AA)
alkaline batteries (sold separately) can be used to
power the headphones.


The MDR-DS8000 is a digital surround headphone
system using digital infrared transmission.
You can enjoy multichannel surround sound with
headphones by simply connecting the digital
surround processor to a DVD player or a Digital TV, a
Digital Broadcasting Satellite Receiver, etc., with the
supplied optical digital connecting cable.

