about 3 m. Three MAS-A100 units mounted on the ceiling at intervals of 2.7 m above
the lecturer are used to reinforce speech and record audio. Three MAS-A100 units
mounted on the ceiling above the audience are used to record audio. The recorded
audio is sent to the remote room.
The Main output and the Rec output of these MAS-A100 units are mixed by a Dante
DSP mixer and connected to a speech reinforcement system and a remote
conferencing system (PCS-XG100), respectively. In order to improve the speech
reinforcement performance, only the remote sound is output from the loudspeakers
close to the MAS-A100 units near the instructor, and both the reinforced speech of the
lecturer and the remote sound are output from the loudspeakers on the audience side.
Room floor plan
20 m
: MAS-A100 for speech
reinforcement (3 units)
10 m
: MAS-A100 for recording audio
(3 units)
: Ceiling mounted loudspeakers for
speech reinforcement (8 units)
: Wall-mounted loudspeakers for remote
audio (2 units)