Basic Functions
FCB-EH6500(GB) A-EEP-100-11(1)
Extended Commands
Extended commands support the following functions
(described previously).
Turn on this mode (for details, see “Extended Mode” in
“Register Setting” on page 55) to enable the following
• Exposure Compensation
The setting can be set in steps of approximately 0.2dB
(-128 (00h) to approxi127 (FFh)).
For details, see page 11.
• Aperture Control
The setting can be set to 256 levels (00h to FFh).
For details, see page 11.
• Custom Color Gain
The initial setting is 100% (80h), and the setting can
be set to 256 levels from approximately 0% (00h) to
approximately 200% (FFh).
For details, see page 13.
• Custom Color Phase
The initial setting is 0 degrees (80h), and the setting
can be set to 256 levels from approximately −14
degrees (00h) to approxi14 degrees (FFh).
For details, see page 13.
• Auto ICR Mode
The setting of ICR ON→OFF threshold can be set
when Auto ICR is on.
The setting range is 0 step (00h) to 28 step (1Ch).
The setting of ICR OFF→ON threshold (On Level)
can be set when Auto ICR is on.
The setting range is 0 step (00h) to 28 step (1Ch).
For details, see page 13.
When the extended mode is Off, CMD_NOT_EXEC will be
returned if you send the extended commands to the camera.
When the extended mode is On, CMD_NOT_EXEC will be
returned if you send the normal commands to the camera.
User’s Updating
The details on the firmware version upgrade are
To perform the firmware version upgrade, the
following three steps are required.
1) Shifting to the maintenance mode using the Visca
2) Binary transmission (X model protocol) of the
firmware in the maintenance mode
3) Finalizing setting using the Visca command
Each step is described as follows.
1) Shifting to the maintenance mode using the Visca
After entering the standby mode using the Visca
command, the unit shifts to the maintenance mode.
When shifting to the maintenance mode, the
Writer program is written in FlashROM after the
last Visca command is sent, and then the Writer
program is started after reboot. The writing takes
approximately 5 seconds.
Note that if the power is turned off during the
writing, the program will be broken and cannot be
2) Binary transmission (X model protocol) of the
firmware in the maintenance mode
Serial Port Setting during maintenance mode
Communication Speed
115200 bps
Data bit
8 bit
Stop bit
1 bit
Flow control
In the maintenance mode, the terminal software
capable of sending the character command is used.
The terminal software that is provided with the
XMODEM binary transfer protocol is used.
When you transfer the camera firmware (uug.bin
file) using this function, the transferred file is
written in FlashROM. The writing takes
approximately 4 minutes.
Note that if the power is turned off during the
writing, the program will be broken and cannot be
After the writing is completed, the unit restarts
automatically, and then the camera firmware is
3) Finalizing setting using the Visca command
The finalizing setting is performed using the Visca
You cannot read the correct camera firmware
version without performing this setting. Be sure to
perform this setting.