BC05 Module Spec.
Shenzhen Synchron Electronics Co.,Ltd. 2010.11
1.General Description and Spcification
1.1 General Description
This product is a Class 2 SMT Bluetooth Module used CSR BC5-MultiMedia
External. It provides data and voice communications. It interfaces with a host through
USB or UART and support data rate up to 12M/3Mbps.
General Fetures:
Class 2 Bluetooth Module
Bluetooth Spec. V2.1+EDR Compliant
Support Firmware Upgrade
USB 2.0 and UART Host Interface
Multi-Configurable I2S, PCM or SPDIF Interface
Integrated 1.5V and 1.8V Linear Regulators
Integrated Switched-mode Regulator
Integrated Battery Charger
Integrated Microphone bias& LED Driver
64MIPS Kalimba DSP Co-processor
Built in 16-bit Stereo Codec- 95dB SNR for DAC
Enhanced Audibility and Noise Cancellation
Support for 802.11 Co-existence
Green (RoHS Compliant)
1.2 Device Details
Common TX/RX terminal simplifies external matching; eliminates external antenna switch
BIST minimises production test time
Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR specification compliant
4dBm RF transmit power with level control from onchip 6-bit DAC over a dynamic range >30dB
Class 2 and Class 3 support without the need for an external power amplifier or TX/RX switch
Receiver sensitivity of -70dBm