NeoReader™ application
Use your phone as a barcode scanner to find out more about items you scan. For example,
you see a coat in a magazine ad and want to find the nearest retail outlet to buy it. If the
ad contains a readable barcode, the NeoReader™ application uses this code to access
mobile web content, such as a web page with more product information or a map of nearby
outlets. NeoReader™ supports most standard barcode types.
To start the NeoReader™ application
From the Home screen, tap .
Find and tap
To scan a bar code
In the NeoReader™ application, hold the phone camera over the bar code until the
complete bar code is visible in the viewfinder.
The phone automatically scans the bar code, and vibrates when the bar code is
recognized. If the bar code is not recognized, tap to scan the code manually.
When the bar code is recognized, tap
to display the bar code information,
or tap
to cancel the operation.
To enter bar code numbers manually
In the NeoReader™ application, tap .
Tap the text field, then enter the bar code numbers.
NeoReader™ application menu overview
The following menu options are available in the NeoReader™ application:
Click to scan the bar code manually, using a higher image resolution
Enter the bar code numbers manually. This option can be used if your camera has difficulty reading the
bar code
View a list of previously scanned bar codes
Set your preferences:
Mute or enable the sound
Enable or disable the message confirmation function. If enabled, you will receive a confirmation
message asking if you want to continue to view bar code mobile web content after a successful
Choose if you want to go back to the NeoReader™ application, or to the applications panes, after
you have viewed the bar code content
Select how many bar codes to keep in the history list
View information about the NeoReader™ application
Read more about different bar code types, and about how to use NeoReader™
Select your personal settings. This information will be used to personalize the bar code content
Send a text message to invite a friend to download the NeoReader™ application
Exit the NeoReader™ application
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