Intercom Calls
6. Intercom Calls
Each channel bu�on on the front panel can be assigned to a remote
intercom unit in order to make and receive voice calls. They can also be
configured to interface to legacy 4-wire talkback units, such as the Sonifex
CM-TB8. See the
web page on page 36 for
more details.
Making a Call
To make a call request, press the channel bu�on assigned to the required
remote unit. If the called unit has the auto answer op�on enabled, the call
will be connected immediately. The bu�on and display status for an ac�ve
call is described later in this sec�on. If the called unit’s auto answer op�on
is disabled, the selected channel bu�on will slowly flash using the colour
assigned to the default func�on for that channel. For example, if the default
func�on is talk and listen, and the colour assigned to talk and listen bu�ons
is amber, the bu�on will flash amber. At the same �me, the call status
indicator on the OLED display will highlight with an upward facing arrow,
indica�ng an outgoing call request, and the channel number and intercom
name of the called unit will be shown – see Fig 6-1. If mul�ple call requests
are made at the same �me, the display will cycle through the details of
each called unit.
Fig 6-1: Outgoing Call Request Screen
If a call request is made to an intercom that doesn’t have a valid channel
assignment for the calling unit, the error message “NO CHANNEL ON”
followed by the intercom name of the target unit, will temporarily be
displayed at the bo�om of the OLED display. To correct this error, assign the
intercom name from the unit a�emp�ng to make the call to a channel on
the target unit.
Receiving a Call
When an intercom call request is received from a remote unit, the call will
be handled by the local channel assigned to the calling intercom unit. The
way the call is handled is dependent on the auto answer op�on se�ng for
the local channel. If the auto answer op�on is enabled, the call is connected
immediately. If the auto answer op�on is disabled, the channel bu�on that
is assigned to the caller will rapidly flash using the colour assigned to the
requested call type. For example, if the calling unit has requested a talk only
call, the call will be treated locally as listen only. If the local colour
assignment for listen bu�ons is green, the channel bu�on will flash green.
At the same �me, the call status indicator on the OLED display will highlight
with a downward facing arrow, indica�ng an incoming call request, and the
channel number and intercom name of the calling unit will be shown – see
Fig 6-2. If mul�ple call requests are received at the same �me, the display
will cycle through the details of each calling unit. If the call signal is
enabled, a repeated audible signal will be heard in the headphones or
speaker. The call is answered by pressing the flashing channel bu�on and
the audio from each unit will be routed depending on the callers selected
call type.
Fig 6-2: Received Call Request Screen