Display that appears when communica on between the
thermostat and the receiver is lost. The control will try to connect
repeatedly, but if it remains for more than 15 minutes, you must
remove the ba eries and disconnect the receiver from the power,
wait 10 seconds and then power it up again.
If a er powering up it appears again, make sure the loca on is
correct and not too far away from the thermostat of the receiver.
If we press the bu on for 2 seconds, the thermostat is turned
off, it disables the regula on and keeps the an freeze.
Screen that appears when it detects that the ba ery level is
running low and does not guarantee proper opera on.
Exhausted ba eries
Screen that appears 3 seconds when we try to raise or lower the
setpoint from the thermostat and we have locked the keyboard
from the App.
Without communica on