US9430701 (1-14)
Operator's Manual &
Spare Parts List
430-1G, 430-2G, 430-3G, 430-2G-HD, 2049-CI
Compression Sprayers
Do not fill with, use or spray flammable materials.
After each use,
loosen tank cap and pump assembly prior to storage.
Never store in direct sunlight.
Do not use gasoline, acid, caustic or potentially injurious chemicals.
At the time of manufacture of this sprayer, we are not aware of any approved plant protection chemicals which
would adversely affect this sprayer when applied in their usual concentration.
Observe the recommendations of the chemical manufacturer.
Prior to removing any part of the sprayer pull the pressure relief valve to release any pressure in the
Wear rubber gloves, safety goggles and appropriate protective clothing.
After pumping be sure handle is in the locked down position.
Chemicals can be harmful to individuals and the environment if improperly used. In addition, some chemicals are caustic, corrosive,
or poisonous and should be avoided. Read warnings and chemical manufacturer's instructions. Solo high density polyethylene
sprayers are fitted with Viton® seals which are resistant to a wide variety of agricultural and household chemicals; however, care
should be exercised to ensure that sprayer components are clean, functioning properly, and in a good state of repair before and
during use. If in doubt about a particular chemical, check with manufacturer. If you suspect or observe indications that the material
may be unsafe in a Solo sprayer...
Do not use or apply chemical.
Read and follow operating instructions.
Do not fill sprayer over maximum fill mark. Releasing pressure in an overfill condition can cause harmful venting of sprayer con-
Relieve pressure only with sprayer upright and while standing on the side of the sprayer opposite the pressure relief valve.
Venting of sprayer contents can occur if liquid is over bottom of relief valve.
To prevent injury from ejected pump assembly and/or solution, never stand with face or body over the top of the tank
when pumping, or loosening pump.
Do not modify sprayer or pressure relief valve.
Never spray in the direction of humans, animals or property which might be injured or damaged by spray formula.
Do not use disinfectants, solvents or impregnating agents unless first tested to ensure they are not harmful to the environment
and sprayer.
Do not use liquids with a temperature above 120°F (45°C).
Remember that a sprayer with liquid is a significant amount of weight (8 lbs. per gallon). Use caution when bending, leaning or
walking. Bend only at the knees and support yourself as required to ensure personal safety.
Do not inflate sprayer without liquid in the tank.
Do not climb on ladders, trees or other unsteady or potentially unsafe structures.
Customer Service Commitment From Solo's Service Department
In the event the sprayer you have purchased has missing or damaged parts, please call 1-800-765-6462, 9:00 AM - 5:00
PM EST. In order to assist your service representative, please have the following information available: sprayer model
number, part description and part number. A parts list is included in your operator's manual.
Solo is committed to your satisfaction and is continuing its efforts to earn your future business.
Visit us on the web at www.solousa.com
Parts ordering available on-line, or call Solo’s order desk at (757) 245-5531.
Solo model 430-1G, 430-2G, 430-3G, 430-2G-HD, 2049-CI sprayers are covered by Solo's 2-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. This war-
ranty is limited to 1-year for commercial use. Solo manufactured parts which fail due to defective material or workmanship will be
repaired or replaced without charge. See page 3 for full details.
If you are missing parts, instructions or have questions, DO NOT take this unit back to the
store. Call 1-800-765-6462. Solo will send the missing parts/information to you promptly.