EZL-200F User
s Manual Ver. 2.1
Sollae Systems Co., Ltd.
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Multiple Connection
[Multiple Connection] is for receiving and monitoring a device to multiple hosts (Max. 8
channels) in the same time.
7.6.1 How to use
The option is available after activating the [Multiple Connection] on ezConfig.
Fig 7-6 activation of the [Multiple Connection]
7.6.2 Data flow
Fig 7-7 diagram for the [Multiple Connection]
Data from the each host are sent to the User’s device via EZL-200F
Data from the User’s device is sent to the all hosts(#1 ~ 8) via EZL-200F
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
Serial Line Internet Protocol function of EZL-200F functions link two different networks by
serial line. EZL-200F performs like a router and serial to TCP/IP converting is unavailable.
① Log on through TELNET
② Input “y” on the [SLIP] parameter with “env ext” command