5 Use and operation
6.1.2 General settings
Ambient switch off temperature
If the outside temperature exceeds the value set
here, the heating circuit pump is switched off and the
heating circuit mixing valve closes.
Ambient switch off temperature for heating mode:
Ambient switch off temperature for reduced mode:
This means: the heating circuit is normally
automatically switched off during the summer
month due to the outdoor temperature.
You can also switch the heating circuit off
manually (=operating mode: Switch off hea-
ting circuit).
Anti-freeze temperature
If the outside temperature drops below the value set
here, the heating circuit pump is switched on.
Buffer difference
The heat pump starts when the
tank temperature top
falls below the
required flow temperature
minus the
buffer difference
- Current required flow temperature = 50°C
- Buffer difference = 5°C
The heat pump starts as soon as the
tank tem-
perature top
< 45°C.
A negative buffer difference value is added, i.e. the
heat pump is switched on sooner.
- Current required flow temperature = 50°C
- Buffer difference = - 5°C
The heat pump starts as soon as the
tank tem-
perature top
< 55°C.
Outside temperature delay
The delay set here is used to determine an average
value for the outside temperature (= Average outside
The heating circuit pump switches on if the Average
and the Current outside temperature fall below the
ambient switch off temperature (within the heating
period), or below the reduced mode ambient switch
off temperature (outside the heating period).
The heating circuit pump switches off again as soon
as the current outside temperature rises above the
value of the ambient switch off temperature.
Heating circuit name
The heating circuit can be given an individual name.
6.1.3 Heating curve
The heating circuit flow temperature is controlled by
the heating circuit operating mode
and by the
outside temperature. The heating curve represents
the relationship between these two temperatures. I.e.
the control uses the outside temperature to calculate
the temperature (=
calculated required flow tem-
) with which the heating circuit is supplied.
heating mode
the heating curve for heating mode
(red) is used.
reduced mode
the heating curve for reduced mode
(= heating curve for heating mode minus
is used.
The heating curve must be adapted to suit each buil-
ding and its heating system.
2-point heating curve
Abb. 2-27
1 Maximum heating circuit flow temperature
2 Calculated required flow temperature
3 Reduction (the value by which the reduced
temperature is lower than the heating tem-
4 Heating curve for heating mode (shown in red)
5 Heating curve for reduced mode (blue)
6 Minimum heating circuit flow temperature
7 Flow temperature at outside temperature -
8 Flow temperature at outside temperature
- This temperature is system-spe-
cific and must be agreed with the heating engi-
neer. Only to be set by qualified personnel.
Operation manual