Issue 11
© Solarflare Communications 2014
Solarflare Server Adapter
User Guide
3.15 Running Cable Diagnostics
Cable diagnostic data can be gathered from the Solarflare 10GBASE-T adapters physical interface
using the
ethtool -t
command which runs a comprehensive set of diagnostic tests on the
controller, PHY, and attached cables. To run the cable tests enter the following command:
ethtool -t ethX [online | offline]
Online tests are non-intrusive and will not disturb live traffic.
The following is an extract from the output of the ethtool diagnostic offline tests:
phy cable.pairA.length 9
phy cable.pairB.length 9
phy cable.pairC.length 9
phy cable.pairD.length 9
phy cable.pairA.status 1
phy cable.pairB.status 1
phy cable.pairC.status 1
phy cable.pairD.status 1
Cable length is the estimated length in metres. A length value of 65535 indicates length not
estimated due to pair busy or cable diagnostic routine not completed successfully.
The cable status can be one of the following values:
0 - invalid, or cable diagnostic routine did not complete successfully
1 - pair ok, no fault detected
2 - pair open or Rt > 115 ohms
3 - intra pair short or Rt < 85 ohms
4 - inter pair short or Rt < 85 ohms
9 - pair busy or link partner forces 100Base-Tx or 1000Base-T test mode.