Chapter 4: Connecting the AC and Strings to
the Connection Unit
This section describes how to connect the inverter to the AC grid, and to the PV strings .
Inverters of different models might be equipped with different sizes/ types of terminal blocks.
Grid Connection Guidelines
In most countries, SolarEdge three phase inverters require neutral connection at all times (only grids
with neutral connection are supported).
In some countries, the SolarEdge three phase inverters can be connected to 220 /230L-L delta grids.
For more information prior to system installation refer to the Three Phase Inverters for Delta Grids
application note,
and to Supported Countries application note to confirm compatibility:
; installing without confirmation may void the inverter warranty.
For more wiring information refer to the
SolarEdge Recommended AC Wiring Application Note
, available on
Connecting the AC Grid to the Connection Unit
Figure 19: Inside the Connection Unit
Chapter 4: Connecting the AC and Strings to the Connection Unit
Three Phase Inverter with synergy technology Guide MAN-01-00402-1.1