Chapter 1: Introducing the SolarEdge Power Harvesting System
The Rapid Shutdown (PVRSS) is initiated by one of the following methods:
Inverter AC breaker is turned OFF, or AC to the inverter is disconnected
by another method (intentionally or as result of a fault)
Inverter ON/OFF switch is turned OFF
The Safety Switch is turned OFF
For inverters with Manual Rapid Shutdown, initiation is done by
switching the Safety Switch OFF
Each power optimizer also transmits module performance data over the DC power line
to the inverter.
Two types of power optimizers are available:
Module Add-on power optimizer – connected to one or more modules
modules -
the power optimizer is embedded into a module
Inverter with Safety Switch
The i nverter efficiently converts DC power from the modules into AC power that can be
fed into the main AC service of the site and from there to the grid. The inverter also
receives the monitoring data from each power optimizer and transmits it to a central
server (the monitoring platform; requires Internet connection).
The Safety Switch has a manually operated switch for disconnecting the DC power of a
SolarEdge system.
The Safety Switch is located below the inverter and is connected to the inverter with AC
and DC wires.
Monitoring Platform
The monitoring platform enables monitoring the technical and financial performance of
one or more SolarEdge sites. It provides past and present information on the system
performance both at the system and module levels.