Pressure Testing
The solar water heater, including the collector circuit, is to be isolated during the testing and commissioning of
the heated water reticulation system in a building in accordance with Clause 9.3 (a) of AS/NZS 3500.4:2018.
The collector circuit includes the solar hot and solar cold pipes and solar collectors.
It may be necessary to pressure test the collector circuit to comply with codes and regulatory authority
requirements or on other occasions where the solar collectors and solar hot and solar cold pipes are installed
prior to the solar storage tank, such as on a building site.
Collector Circuit
The pressure applied to the collector circuit during a pressure test of an open circuit system
exceed 1000 kPa where L, LCS or CSA2007 solar collectors are installed, otherwise damage may
Open Circuit System
If the solar collectors, solar pipe work and solar storage tank are installed and commissioned together, then
the flooding of the collector circuit with water under mains pressure for an open circuit system and checking
the pipe work for leaks during the commissioning procedure can be substituted for the pressure testing of the
collector circuit.