Useful information
Go to www.softube.com/login and log in, or create a
Softube account if you don’t already have one.
When you’re logged in at softube.com, go to the My
Account page and My Products. Click on Register
License and enter the activation code found on the card
included in the box (format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-
There are currently two ways to install and activate
Softube plugins.
Use Softube Central
The Softube Central app can be downloaded here:
ucts (you must be logged in).
In Softube Central, you sometimes need to go to the
Settings page (press the fader symbol in the upper
right corner) and press Restart (if backend status
is disconnected). And sometimes Softube Central
requires you to log out, close the app, wait for 30
seconds, then re-start it, log in, and wait a little
while. Be patient!
Use direct installers and activate in iLok License
You can find Softube’s direct installers for Mac
and Windows here: https://www.softube.com/my-
account#/my-products (you must be logged in).
After installation, use iLok License Manager to
activate the plugins (right-click or CMD+click on
the plugin name).
You may notice that Console 1 Fader performs a
little fader exercise when the Console 1 On Screen
Display program is started. This is a calibration rou-
tine and nothing to worry about. Just make sure to
keep pens and coins away from the fader area.