You can fine tune Console 1 Fader to suit your needs
perfectly. Pressing Settings gives you access to a menu
of choices.
Rename Tracks
If your DAW doesn’t allow for
automatic track naming, you can
rename tracks here. This function
can also be reached by clicking in
the plugin window, where it says
“click to set track name”.
Rearrange Tracks:
If your DAW doesn’t allow for
automatic track numbering, you
can rearrange the order of your
tracks here.
Auto solo track on
Set this to ON if you want to solo
the track that’s currently being re-
named or moved. This is very use-
ful if you insert Console 1 Fader on
all tracks on an existing session and
quickly want to name all tracks.
Just hit play, start with track 1 and
listen what’s on it, and proceed
through all tracks the same way.
Knob mode
In this menu you can set how
the knob on the Console 1 Fader
hardware reacts to changes. In the
linear modes, the knob always has
the same speed, whereas in the ac-
celerated modes a faster turn of the
knob leads to faster changes.
Set Auto
Display delay
Here you can adjust the time
it takes for the OSD to disap-
pear, when Auto Display mode is
Select track on
Here you can decide, if you do or
do not want to automatically select
a track when you press Solo or
Select track on touch
It can often be convenient, to au-
tomatically select a track when you
touch a fader. Select your desired
setting here.
Select enabled
view modes
You can restrict the number of
available OSD Display Modes. If
your workflow calls for fewer OSD
views, please disable the ones you
don’t need.