By using of
”ntp srv1”, ”ntp srv2”
”ntp srv3”
commands up to three NTP servers can be preset for
module synchronization. The command parameter is server IP-address.
Current setting of the subsystem can be displayed by using of
ntp info
Examples of using commands for setting of RTC synchronization:
GW33H7-0#ntp ena 1
Ntp is enable
GW33H7-0#ntp srv1
Server[1] :
GW33H7-0#ntp info
NTP info :
+, status : wait, stratum : 2, reach : 48, delay 39, timeout 1758
*, status : wait, stratum : 2, reach : 51, delay 54, timeout 1768
As it is evident form the example, synchronization was enabled by ”ntp ena” command, the IP address of NTP
server was preset by ”ntp srv1” command and the setting was checked by ”ntp info” command.
The settings should be saved by using of
”ntp write”
”ntp restart”
command can be used for restart of the subsystem, by using of
”ntp deb”
command the
required level of debug statements of the subsystem can be set.
Command of ”hist” subsystem for examination of
History” table records
The ”History” subsystem
is used to support gateway operation. It contains a table with records of the last
received messages from all terminals within the last 150 minutes. Each terminal always has only one record in
the table, regardless of the number of its messages received during last 150 minutes. The maximum capacity of
the table is 960 records, if the gateway receives more messages in a given interval, the oldest messages are always
deleted. The ”History” record table is used to monitor the gateway function, its records can help to learn which
terminals are within the gateway radio range and how strong their signal is. The content of ”History” table can
be transmitted via the NEP protocol to the remote reading system, or to another application that serves for the
operational support of the remote measurement network.
A group of
commands is intended for checking of the ”History” subsystem. There are folowing commands:
Help :
: show table info
: show hash detail
: show table records
: hashtable help
Number of records in the ”hist” table can be displayed by
”hist info”
command. The
”hist hash”
command can
be used for display of hash table for saving of records. These outputs can help with the subsystem diagnostics.
The content of
History” table with the records of last received messages can be browsed by using of
”hist rec”
command. Example:
GW33H7-0#hist rec
Hash record list :
WMBUS : 00006166-SFT-5-7, RSSI -101, time : 2021-05-06, 13:08:54
WMBUS : 00900010-SFT-6-7, RSSI -98, time : 2021-05-06, 13:05:10
WMBUS : 00800044-SFT-51-8, RSSI -107, time : 2021-05-06, 13:00:31
WMBUS : 00000103-SFT-3-3, RSSI -104, time : 2021-05-06, 12:55:52
WMBUS : 00003411-SFT-5-7, RSSI -88, time : 2021-05-06, 12:42:36
WMBUS : 00004663-SFT-5-7, RSSI -111, time : 2021-05-06, 12:33:13
WMBUS : 00003095-SFT-3-7, RSSI -86, time : 2021-05-06, 12:25:26
WMBUS : 00002417-SFT-2-7, RSSI -110, time : 2021-05-06, 12:22:06
WMBUS : 00005491-SFT-5-7, RSSI -104, time : 2021-05-06, 12:20:06
Hash records : 9