Always carbonate COLD water.
Never carbonate anything other than plain water.
1. If your Drinksmaker does not carbonate:
• Make sure you are pressing the carbonating button down as far as possible in short sharp
• If the cylinder is empty, exchange it for a full one.
• Check that the glass bottle has been filled up to the fill line.
2. If, when fitting a new cylinder, gas leaks after you have screwed the cylinder into the
• Screw the cylinder tighter into its holder. If this doesn’t help, remove the cylinder and re-screw
it into the Drinksmaker as indicated in the section “Replacing the gas cylinder."
3. If water overflows from the glass bottle during carbonation:
• Check if you have over-filled the glass bottle.
• Check the fill line and empty excess water if necessary.
• Are you pressing the carbonating button too long? Use short, firm presses only.
If you have any more questions or queries, please contact your local customer care team or contact us at
www.sodaclub.com or www.sodastream.com
Your Drinksmaker has been designed to operate with a suitable Crystal glass bottle. The warranty does
not cover damage caused by the use of sodawater bottles or -cylinders of other manufacturers than
SodaStream, and therefore, please use only original Crystal glass bottles in your Drinksmaker.
Your Drinksmaker has been designed to operate with a suitable Soda-Club/SodaStream Cylinder as
explained in the instructions in this manual. The warranty does not cover damage caused by the use of
sodawater bottles or -cylinders of other manufacturers than SodaStream, and therefore, please use only a
suitable Soda-Club/SodaStream Cylinder filled by an authorised Soda-Club/SodaStream filling station,
available from authorised Soda-Club/SodaStream Retailers.
The Soda-Club/SodaStream Cylinders are not for sale. They are the property of Soda-Club (CO2) Ltd., or
its affiliate, as indicated on the Cylinder and the User Certificate enclosed with the Cylinder. The Soda-
Club/SodaStream Cylinder is transferred to you, subject to the terms of the Certificate, only for the specific
purpose of carbonating water in a suitable Soda-Club/SodaStream Drinksmaker.
Maximum working pressure: 10 Bar / 145 Psi. Maximum allowed operating temperature: 40°C/104°F.
Bottle capacity at fill line will be in the range of 400 ml - 1.0 liter (varies by machine pack, may differ from
images shown). Brimful bottle capacity will be in the range of 480 ml - 1.1 liter (varies by machine pack,
may differ from images shown).
All Soda-Club and SodaStream products are subject to continuous developments and specifications and
may change without notice.
SODA-CLUB and SODASTREAM are registered trademarks of Soda-Club and its affiliates.