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June 30, 1988
Revision 8
The temperature and air flow to the cabin are regulated by the cabin air
regulation system and the air outlets (see Figure
The air intake located on the L.H. side of the propeller cone provides air
supply to the exchanger located around the exhaust duct, the heated air
supplies a box located on the upper portion of the aft face of the firewall. This
box may be shut off by a fire cut–off shutter and allows hot air distribution on
both sides of the windshield.
Hot airflow is regulated from the control panel located on R.H. side of
instrument panel strip.
Hot air
Comes from the exchanger (located around exhaust duct).
This heated air supplies a cabin air mixer located aft of the firewall (in front of
front passenger’s feet).
The hot airflow supplying this mixer is regulated by a fire cut–off shutter from
the control panel located on R.H. portion of the instrument panel strip.
Cool air
Comes from R.H. NACA air intake which may be shut off by means of two
flaps with simultaneous opening. This cool air supplies cabin air mixer.
Shutting off NACA air intakes reduces appreciably the cabin noise level.
Hot / cool air mixing in cabin air mixer
Hot and cool airflows in cabin air mixer are actuated through a single control.
Regulation is obtained by moving the control ; rightwards air becomes
warmer, leftwards air becomes cooler, fully moved to the left in fire cut–off
position for the cabin air mixer.
Distribution of regulated air
The mixed airflow in the cabin air mixer is regulated by a shutter before being
distributed in the cabin towards pilot’s feet, front and rear passengers’ feet
and in upper part of rear seat back–rest.