Batteries - charging
Fully re charge the bat ter ies, im me di ately af ter use.
One charg
ing cy
cle per day is pre
ferred. Fully
charged bat ter ies per form best. The deeper the
dis charge, the fewer num ber of cy cles a bat tery will
de liver. Deep dis charges de te ri o rate the bat tery
quicker than shal low cy cles.
An overly dis charged bat tery may need to be cy -
cled a few times be fore it can fully re cover. If a bat -
tery be gins to heat be fore be com ing fully charged,
it may be nec es sary to re charge and dis charge the
bat tery a few times.
The MHP is equiped with an au
matic bat
charger that will com pletely re charge the bat ter ies
and turn off af ter the charge cy cle is com pleted.
Other Options
Air Line To Platform
This con sists of pres sure flex yel low hose rated at
150 psi work ing pres sure, fit ted with quick dis con -
nect cou plers at each end .
Dual Fuel
This op tion con sists of an AC mo tor rated at ei ther
110 or 230 volts AC 50/60Hz. A se lec tor switch is
used to change from gas o line to elec tric. The same
con trols are used to stop and start the elec tric mo tor.
This op tion is used in shop ping malls and other
built up ar eas.
Work Lights
Rub ber en cased work lights can be fit ted to the
plat form guard rails. The lights are swivel mounted
and each has its own switch.
Flashing Light
Mounted on the lower boom the flash ing light alerts
peo ple that the MHP15/44HD is mov ing. The light
flashes at about one flash per sec ond any time the
MASTER KEY switch is on. There is no ON/OFF
switch for the flash ing light, it can not be turned off
while the MHP15/44 is running.
An op tion is also avail able that does al low ON/OFF
switch ing of the flash ing light.
Platform Rotator
This op tion al lows the op er a tor to move the plat -
form around the boom, 45
each side of cen ter, to
gain better ac cess to work sites.
Battery Isolate Switch
Iso lates the bat tery power and can be locked into
the off po si tion.
Figure 13.10 - Battery Isolate Switch
A 3 core wire rated at 600 volts AC 15 amps is run
up the booms as stan dard.
Figure 13.11 - RCD/ELCB AC Outlet
Self Levelling Stabiliser
With this op tion the sta bi lis ers will ‘self level’ the
plat form when the auto mode is se lected, al ter na -
tively the sta bi lis ers can be used in di vid u ally when
in the man ual mode.
Figure 13.12 - Self Levelling Stabilisers
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
13. Options
Power Input
Power Outlet
At Platform