Figure 13.7 - DC Motor Batteries
The cabinet cover must be removed whilst
charging to allow gasses to escape.
Lead-acid batteries contain sulphuric acid
which will damage eyes or skin on contact.
When working around batteries, ALWAYS
wear a face shield to avoid acid in the eyes. If
acid contacts eyes, flush immediately with
clear water and get medical attention.
Wear rubber gloves and protective clothing
to keep acid off the skin, if acid contacts the
skin, wash off immediately with clear water.
Lead-acid batteries produce flammable and
explosive gasses. NEVER allow smoking,
flames or sparks around batteries.
Battery charger
The Bi-en
ergy MHP is fit
ted with an on-board
charger (see Fig ure 13.8). The charger will com -
pletely re-charge the bat ter ies and au to mat i cally
turn off af ter the cy cle is com pleted.
Figure 13.8 - On-Board battery Charger in
Engine Bay
The bat tery charger is fit ted with an "in ter lock". This
means that dur ing the charg ing cy cle all func tions
on the ma chine are in op er a tive and will re main so
un til the charger unit is switched off.
The charg ing cy cle may last from 1 to 12 hours de -
pend ing on the state of the bat ter ies.
If the charg ing cy cle should ex ceed 16 hours (in di -
cat ing a fault) the charger will au to mat i cally shut
down and the bat ter ies should be checked.
The in
let for con
tion of mains power to the
charger is mounted in the en gine bay and can be
ac cessed through the en gine cover or with the en -
gine cover re moved (see Fig ure 13.9).
Figure 13.9 - Mains Power Connector For
DO NOT recharge the batteries unless the
electrolyte level has been checked.
DO NOT allow smoking, flames or sparks
around batteries.
DO ENSURE the cabinet cover is removed
during the charging process to allow gasses
to escape.
Batteries - general maintenance
Al ways keep the bat ter ies clean, free of dirt and
cor ro sion. A film on top of the bat tery can ac cel er -
ate dis charge.
Cold re duces bat tery ca pac ity and re tards charg -
ing. Heat in creases wa ter us age and can (in ex -
treme cir cum stances) re sult in over charg ing.
Use dis tilled wa ter to re fill the bat ter ies. Avoid wa -
ter con tain ing me tal lic sol ids such as iron.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
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13. Options