13. Options
The following are some of the options available
for the MHP15/44HD.
This con sists of a com bi na tion of both a gas o line
en gine and the 24V DC mo tor to give a Bi-en ergy
op tion.
Spe cif i cally a 24V DC mo tor is mounted un der the
plinth. This pro vides an al ter na tive power source to
the gas o line en gine.
The DC mo tor is pow ered by four "Deep Cy cle
Trac tion Bat ter ies" mounted in front of the gas o line
en gine and an au to matic bat tery charger that is
mounted in the en gine bay.
DC motor
The DC mo tor is mounted un der the plinth (see Fig -
ure 13.1).
Figure 13.1 - DC Motor Under Plinth
DC motor operation
A Petrol / Elec tric switch is used to se lect ei ther the
gas o line en gine or the DC mo tor.
If your ma chine has elec tric con trols this switch will
be mounted on the side of the lower con trol box
(see Fig ure 13.2.1).
Figure 13.2.1 - Petrol / Electric Switch
(Electric Controls)
If your machine has hydraulic controls this switch is
mounted on the front of the lower control box (see
Figure 13.2.2)
Figure 13.2.2 - Petrol / Electric Switch
(Hydraulic Controls)
If the gasoline engine is selected [SWITCH UP] the
DC motor will not function and if the DC motor is
selected [SWITCH DOWN] the gasoline engine will
not run.
DC motor battery switch
In or der to op er ate the DC mo tor the 24V DC bat -
tery iso la tor switch, mounted on the side of the
plinth, will also need to be switched on (see Fig ure
Figure 13.3 - DC Motor Battery Isolate Switch
Note - 24V DC Battery Switch
When operating the gasoline engine the 24V DC
battery switch should be turned to the "off"
Setting the manual stabilisers
In order for the stabilisers to function an additional
switch (see Figure 13.4) needs to be operated.
This switch, mounted adjacent to the stabiliser
valve levers, must be held on in the STABILISER
position while the individual stabiliser
valves are operated. When released it will
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Rev F
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