Jib boom lever:
Moving this lever up causes
the jib boom to extend, whilst moving it down
causes the jib boom to retract.
Platform rotate switch:
Pressing the lever
up causes the 'platform only' to rotate to the
right, whilst pressing the lever down causes
the 'platform only' to rotate to the left.
NOTE - Platform Control Valve Levers:
Depending on the configuration of your machine
you may not have a 'Platform Rotate' control.
Over-Centre valve
The func tion of this valve is to con trol the point at
which the up
per boom reaches its max
When the valve is ac ti vated two things will oc cur:
1. The upper boom will stop rising
2. The lower boom will not lower if activated.
When this hap pens the up per boom must be low -
ered which will de ac ti vate the over-cen tre valve
thus re stor ing all nor mal boom func tions.
Securing for Day
At the end of each work day the MHP15/44HD
should be re turned to the STOWED POSITION
and locked as de scribed un der “Stowing” in the
"Stowing and Trans porting" chap ter 12.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 10 - 9
10. Operation