Figure 9.14.2 - Lanyard Anchor Points -
Fibreglass Platform
Vi su ally check the lan yard an chor points to see that
they are not de formed or cut off.
Platform Gravity Gate
Figure 9.15 - Platform Gravity Gate
Check to see that the grav ity gate is pres ent and
func tions cor rectly.
Platform Guardrails
Figure 9.16 - Platform Guardrails
Vi sually in spect the plat form guard rails to see that
none of the tub ing has been cut out, re moved, or
de formed in any way. Vi sually check the guard rail
welds to see that none is cracked nor ground down.
Flashing Light (option)
Visually check the optional flashing light, to see
that the light flashes at approximately one flash per
second when the motor key switch is turned on.
Before proceeding with the next section of the
Pre-operational Inspection you will need to
the engine and set the stabilisers
. Refer to the
'Operation' chapter if you need assistance with
NOTE: - Control Options
If your machine has hydraulic controls go to page
Ground Control Switches
Machines with Electric Controls
Figure 9.18 - Ground Control Switches
With the Ground/Platform Selector
set to
Check that each of the platform moving switches
through to
) cause the MHP15/44HD to move
the way it should.
Check both po si tions of each switch.
For cor rect op er at ing pro ce dures see the “Op er a -
tion” chap ter 10.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 9 - 5
9. Pre-operational Inspection