Pay particular attention to all of the wheel nuts and
bolts. None should be visibly loose, missing, or
Also inspect the wheel rim to ensure that it is not
damaged or deformed, especially checking the
recess where the wheel nuts are seated.
D o n o t o v e r t i g h t e n t h e w h e e l n u t s .
Overtightened wheel nuts can damage or
deform the wheel rim. This can lead to
handling and stability problems when
T h e c o r r e c t t o r q u e s e t t i n g f o r t h e
MHP15/44HD wheel nuts is 80 lb ft or 108 Nm.
Do not tighten beyond these settings.
Wheels and Tyres
The MHP15/44HD re lies on it’s tyres for tow ing sta -
bil ity.
Figure 9.10 - Tyre Condition
Check each wheel for ob vi ous dam age that could
cause a blow out.
Figure 9.11 - Tyre Pressure
En sure tyre pres sures are main tained ac cord ing to
the de cal at tached to the trailer.
T h e c o r r e c t t y r e p r e s s u r e f o r t h e
MHP15/44HD is 50psi or 344kPa (readings
taken with cold tyres).
Structural Damage and Welds
Vi sually in spect all welds for cracks, all struc tural
mem bers for de for mity.
Figure 9.12 - Chassis Welds
Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to the chas sis welds
Figures 8.13 - Boom Welds
Closely in spect boom welds all the way around, for
Lanyard Anchor Points
Figure 9.14 - Lanyard Anchor Points - Steel
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
9. Pre-operational Inspection
50psi 344kPa COLD