5. Gauges
Figure 5.1 - Hourmeter
The hour me ter is ba si cally an elec tric clock. It ac -
lates time when the mas
ter key switch is
turned on. The hour me ter can not be re set. An
MHP qual i fied ser vice tech ni cian can use it to tell
when it is time for the pe ri odic main te nance listed in
the main te nance man ual.
Level Bubble
Figure 5.2 - Level Bubble
A level bub
ble is mounted on the trailer base.
Watch the bub
ble while you set the sta bi
Lower the sta bi lis ers, front ones first, one at a time
just enough to cen ter the bub ble in the cir cle on top
of the gauge. When the bub ble is cen tral the plat -
form is level and the plat form can be safely raised.
Hydraulic Oil Level
Figure 5.3 - Hydraulic Oil Level
The hydraulic oil level gauge is attached to the filler
cap. read it only when the booms are fully lowered
and the stabilisers are raised in the travel position.
The hydraulic oil level should be between the two
marks on the dipstick.
If necessary, add hydraulic oil at the filler cap. see
the "Specifications" chapter 3, for type and grade of
hydraulic oil.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
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