2 Safety - Low Voltage Insulation
The low volt age(LV) in su lated MHP15/44HD is in -
su lated to 1000V AC or 1500V DC.
If you have not yet read Chapter 1 "Safety"
then do so now before you read this chapter.
This chapter deals only with safety issues
s p e c i f i c a l l y r e l a t e d t o o p e r a t i n g a n
MHP15/44HD with low voltage insulation.
Chapter 1 covers all other aspects involved
in the safe operation of an MHP15/44HD and
is essential reading.
This chap ter does not set out to pro vide any de tail
on the safety is sues or reg u la tions con cerned with
the op er a tion of a low volt age in su lated
MHP15/44HD around live conductors.
This chap ter is sim ply in tended to alert the op er a tor
to gen eral safety is sues as so ci ated with an LV in -
su lated ma chine.
Owner Responsibility
As stated previously in this manual, providing
the operator with safety information and/or
training on standards, codes of practice and
local authority regulations concerning the
operation of this machine is the responsibility
of the owner of the machine.
Insulation Maintenance
The maintenance of the insulation is
critically important to maintaining the
insulation rating of the LV MHP15/44HD.
The following are given as general guidelines for
ensuring the maintenance of the insulation system.
The is sues that are within the scope of the op er a tor
are cov ered in Chap ter 9 "Pre-Op er a tional In spec -
1. Inspection of the interior and exterior
insulator surfaces for signs of damage, which
may lead to a reduction in dielectric
2. Inspection of cover insulation for signs of
cracking or corrosion.
Never use a LV MHP15/44HD that has any
damage to any of the insulator surfaces or
3. Routine cleaning of the insulator interior and
exterior surfaces of all road grime dust and
other contaminants.
Clean with soap and water and dry with a
soft, lint free cloth.
For contaminants that can not be removed
with soap and water use methylated spirits
or denatured alcohol followed by soap and
4. Routine surface conditioning of the insulator
surfaces so that the surface remains
resistant to moisture.
5. Inspection and replacement as required of all
insulation markers or signs (decals - see
Electrical Safety Certificate
All LV ma chines are re quired to carry a cer tif i cate
of elec tri cal safety. Op er a tors should en sure that
there is a cur rent elec tri cal safety certificate for the
ma chine they are us ing.
Never use a LV Insulated MHP15/44HD that
does not have a current certificate of
electrical safety.
Basket Emergency Exit
The LV MHP15/44HD fibre glass bas ket is fit ted
with an es cape hatch in the form of a sep a rate
panel at the rear of the bas ket.
Earth Point
An earth at tach ment point is pro vided on the base
of the ma chine and iden ti fied by a decal.
Safety Decals and Placards
There are a num ber of safety de cals and plac ards
on the LV MHP15/44HD. Their lo ca tions and de -
scrip tions are shown in this sec tion on the fol low ing
pages. Take time to study them.
Be sure that all the safety decals and
placards on the MHP15/44HD are legible.
Clean or replace them if you cannot read the
words or see the pictures. Clean with soap &
water and a soft cloth. Do not use solvents.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
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