Sta bi liser/Boom In ter lock Test
All ma chines in the Snor kel ‘EPV’ Se ries of Truck
Mounted El e vat ing Work Plat forms are fit ted with a
very im por tant safety fea ture, a ‘Sta bi liser/Boom
In ter lock’ sys tem that pre vents the booms be ing el -
e vated to an un safe po si tion un less all four sta bi lis -
ers have been cor rectly set and have made firm
con tact with the ground.
This same safety fea ture also pre vents the Sta bi lis -
ers be ing op er ated while ei ther or both Booms are
el e vated.
The cor rect op er a tion of the Sta bi liser/Boom In ter -
lock is crit i cal to en sure that the EPV is op er ated
safely and with out risk.
T o e n
s u r e t h e i n
t e r
l o c k s y s
t e m i s
func tion ing cor rectly, be fore op er at ing the
EPV the fol low ing test MUST BE CAR RIED
tion with all other rel
vant daily
pre-op er a tional checks:
1. Po si tion the ma chine on a firm level sur face.
Chock the wheels as re quired, en gage the
Park ing Brake.
2. From the base con trols, start the en gine and
al low it to warm up. Re move the Travel Pins
from both the Up per and Lower booms (as
ap pli ca ble to the model).
Move the Sta bi liser/Boom se lec tor switch to
3. At tempt to raise the Up per Boom; it must not
rise out of the boom rest at all.
Re peat this Step for the Lower Boom. It must
not rise at all ei ther.
If nei ther of the Booms will rise from the
boom rest, pro ceed to Step 5.
4. If ei ther Boom rises from the boom rest and
con tin ues to rise higher than ap prox i mately
stop the en gine im me di ately!
Us ing the Emer gency Low er ing valve,
lower the Boom into the boom rest,
re move the ma chine from ser vice and
af fix a Dan ger Tag warn ing oth ers that the
ma chine is not to be used.
In the first
in stance con tact the owner who will then
con tact the Snor kel branch or authorised
agent to in spect, re pair and test the ma chine
be fore al low ing it to be placed back into
ser vice.
5. Fol low the cor rect pro ce dure in the
Op er a tors man ual for set ting up the ma chine
on the Sta bi lis ers.
6. When the Sta bi lis ers are cor rectly set, the
green En able Lamp is lit and the ma chine is
level, move the Sta bi liser/Boom se lec tor
switch to ‘Boom’.
7. From the base con trols, raise the Up per
Boom (no more than) ap prox i mately
from the boom rest.
Move the Sta bi liser/Boom se lec tor switch to
the ‘Sta bi liser’ po si tion.
8. Us ing the Sta bi liser con trols, op er ate one (1)
of the Sta bi liser con trol switches or le vers
(any one (1)).
There must be no cor re spond ing move ment
of the Sta bi liser for the switch or le ver used.
If the Sta bi liser does not move, lower the
Up per Boom back into the boom rest, and
re peat Steps 7 and 8 for the Lower Boom.
9. If there is no cor re spond ing move ment of the
Sta bi lis ers when Steps 7 and 8 are fol lowed
for both Booms, the Sta bi liser/Boom In ter lock
cir cuit is func tion ing cor rectly and the
ma chine can now be used safely as per the
in struc tions in the Op er a tors Man ual.
10. If there is a cor re spond ing move ment of
of the Sta bi lis ers when Steps 7 and 8 are
fol lowed,
stop the en gine im me di ately!
Us ing the Emer gency Low er ing valve,
lower the Boom into the boom rest.
Re-start the en gine and fully re tract all
four Sta bi lis ers. Re move the ma chine
from ser vice and pro ceed as in Step 4.
page 9 - 2
Rev A
EPV16 – 13642-1
9. Pre-operational Inspection