Flash ing Light
Check to see that the light flashes ap prox i mately
once a sec ond when the EPV en gine is run ning.
At the completion of this section of the
pre-operational inspection the EPV can be put
back into the stowed position or placed into
RCD / ELCB (Option)
Figure 8.18 - RCD / ELCB
The RCD (Re sid ual Cur rent De vice) is lo cated at
the ground and will pro tect against short cir cuits to
earth. When there is a short cir cuit the RCD will
shut down the 230v AC power to the plat
To re set the out let dis con nect the power tool lead
from the plat form box and re set the RCD at the
If the prob lem per sists call a trained ser vice tech ni -
Placards and Decals
Be sure that all the decals and placards on
the EPV Series are legible. Clean or replace
them if you cannot read the words or see the
pictures. Clean with soap & water and a soft
cloth. Do not use solvents.
You MUST re place a de cal or plac ard if it is dam -
aged, miss ing, or can not be read. If it is on a part
that is re placed, make sure a new de cal or plac ard
is in stalled on the re placed part. See your Snor kel
dealer for new de cals and plac ards.
Typically, the majority of EPV machines are
destined for the overseas market and leave
the factory as a built up subframe only unit.
Final assembly, construction of the deck
and mounting on a truck chassis is carried
out ex-factory.
The decals are provided as a kit with the
machine and placement of these decals is
the responsibility of the business involved
in mounting the subframe on the truck
chassis. They should also provide you with a
plan of the decal placement.
This Section for LV Insulated EPV Only
Low Voltage Insulated EPV
Insulation covers
In spect all the in su la tion cov ers on knuckle joints,
cyl in ders etc. Look for cracks, cor ro sion, chips or
any form of struc tural dam age to the cov ers.
Fibreglass basket
In spect the in te rior and ex te rior of the bas ket for
any form of dam age or cor ro sion. Look for cracks,
es pe cially in the bot tom of the bas ket (which are
aften eas i est to see from un der neath).
Check the op er a tion of the emer gency exit door.
Boom insulation covering
Check the boom in su la tion cov er ing for any signs
of crack ing or cor ro sion.
Check that all in su lat ing sur faces and cov ers are
clean and free from dirt and all other con tam i nants.
Clean with soap and wa ter and dry with a soft, lint
free cloth.
For con tam i nants that can not be re moved with
soap and wa
ter use meth
ated spir
its or
denarured al co hol fol lowed by soap and wa ter.
page 8 - 6
Rev A
EPV Series – 1596(A)
8. Daily Inspection and Maintenance
Summary of Contents for EPV Series
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