Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 134
© 2017 SAM
Object Menu
Web Interface 7.6
7.6.10 Edit Object - Properties, VBI (Video object)
This sub-tab only exists in tiles that are of Video type.
If VBI data is present on a video input and the video is an SDI source then the data can be
displayed on the relevant video tile.
If multiple sources of timecode are present in a video source then the timecode selected for
display, in order of priority is; Ancillary VITC, Ancillary LTC and D-VITC.
Figure 97 Edit Object - Properties - VBI Sub-Tab
Closed Captioning
These settings apply to composite NTSC input only (line-21 closed
Indicator on
tick box
Enables a “CC” indicator to be shown in the tile if the selected closed
caption type is present.
Display service
Displays the closed caption text in the tile if ticked, and selects the
type of service to be displayed.
Show XDS
tick box
Shows the information contained in the extended data services.
These settings apply to composite or SDI video that contains WST
subtitles, and SDI video that contains OP-47 teletext subtitles.
Indicator on
tick box
Enables the indicator to be shown if teletext is present in the video.
(Displays “WST” or “OP-47”, depending on the type present, or no
indicator if none present).
Table 51
Edit Object - Properties - VBI Sub-Tab