Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 132
© 2017 SAM
Object Menu
Web Interface 7.6
7.6.8 Edit Object - Properties, Error (Video or Audio object)
This sub-tab only exists within the Properties tab of Video and Audio type tiles. It determines
the behavior of the tile when one of its enabled alarms gets triggered.
Figure 95 Edit Object - Properties - Error Sub-Tab
Enable alarm alerts
tick box
Must be ticked if any of the alarm indications (alarm messages or
flashing border) are to be shown in the tile.
Display alarm
tick box
When ticked, all the alarms that are currently triggered or have
recently been cleared will be displayed in the tile. Only one alarm type
gets displayed at a time; it will cycle through them if multiple alarms
are present.
Font Size
Sets the alarm text size. If Auto is selected the alarm text is
automatically sized to suit the tile it is being displayed on.
Alarm active
Sets the border color of the tile when an alarm triggers. Also applies to
the color of alarm messages for alarms that are active.
All alarms recently
Sets the border color of the tile when no alarms are currently
triggered, but some have recently cleared but not reset yet. (See
alarm section on the automatic reset timeout period). This also
applies to the color of alarm messages for recently cleared alarms.
Table 49
Edit Object - Properties - Error Sub-Tab