BACnet Explorer Start-up Guide
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5.1.2 BACnet Settings All connections
Network Number
– set up the BACnet network number for the connection. Legal values are 1-
65534. Each network number must be unique across the entire BACnet internetwork.
Save and Reset Buttons
– click these to save or reset the settings for BACnet/IP and BACnet
MS/TP. BACnet/IP Settings
IP Port
– the BACnet/IP default is 47808 (0xBAC0), but other port numbers can may be specified. BACnet MS/TP
MAC Address
– legal values are 0-127, must be unique on the physical network
Max Master
– the highest MAC address to scan for other MS/TP master devices. The default of
127 is guaranteed to discover all other MS/TP master devices on the network.
Max Info Frames
– the number of transactions the BACnet Explorer may initiate while it has the
MS/TP token. Default is 50.
– the serial baud rate used on the network.
Token Usage Timeout (ms)
– the number of milliseconds the router will wait before deciding that
another master has dropped the MS/TP token. This value must be between 20ms and 100ms.
Choose a larger value to improve reliability when working with slow MS/TP devices that may not
be able to meet strict timing specifications.
Figure 13: BACnet MS/TP Settings
Figure 12: BACnet/IP Settings