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Data edycji: 16.09.2022 r.
Strona 24 z 35
Dokumentacja techniczno-ruchowa
Arrangement 2
- vertical battery consisting of three fire dampers KWP (Figure 12)
Fix the gasket on insulating spacer of one of adjoining fire dampers (position (1) in the Figure 12).
Put non-combustible mineral wool into recess in upper surface of the fire damper. The thickness of mineral wool
should be twice as the thickness of the recess in upper surface of the fire damper in order to fill the whole free
space between the fire dampers as shown in (w1).
NOTE: The alternative way of wool mounting is to use two layers of wool with thickness of 30 mm. In this case,
apply the fire resistant PROMASTOP-Coating with width of 50 mm. The mass is placed between the strips of
wool and between wool and damper housings.
Place the fire damper B on the fire damper C and assemble them together on the front and back with use of
perforated assembly strips (2) and self-tapping screws M6x10 (3), which should be tightened into the openings
in fire damper body. In order to carry out the correct assembly, 4 self-tapping screws should be used per each
assembly strip with length of 1200 [mm].
Repeat accordingly paragraphs 2 and 3 to assemble fire damper A on fire damper B.
Figure 14. Arrangement 2 - vertical battery consisting of three fire dampers KWP