Smart Power Systems
Page 16 of 52
Installation Guide
Mount the pump securely to the Power Take-Off (PTO). This may require attaching
a mounting bracket to the PTO housing prior to mounting the pump.
Always mount the hydraulic pump in a position with the pump controls up.
Mounting the pump in any other orientation will not allow hydraulic fluid in the
pump to reach the correct level before starting, causing premature wear of the
pump, thus voiding the system’s warranty. The pump and undercarriage
components will corrode if they are left unprotected. It is advisable to paint them
before completing the installation.
Locate and bore mounting holes for generator tray assembly as shown in
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5. Maintain minimum clearances as indicated in,
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Figure 5
– Mounting Hole Pattern for ER-6.2, ER-8, ER-10 and ER-110 Assemblies
Mount the tray assembly as high as possible within the structure of the vehicle. The
ideal location for the generator is at the top of the truck in the dunnage area. The
manufacturer must also take sufficient precautions to ensure that the generator is
not mounted in the path of the deck gun/water cannon.