The set up to my Smarter Coffee - 2nd
Generation failed what do I do?
If the setup to your Smarter Coffee - 2nd Generation was not successful, please read our
setup tips below:
Please check the WIFI password and name is entered correctly (characters are case
Please check that the connection light next to the start button is flashing. Once plugged
in, the connection light will flash for 60 seconds. If the connection light is not flashing,
please unplug, wait 10 seconds, then plug back in.
Once the countdown to BlinkUp begins, place your device
on top of the
connection light until your phone buzzes or beeps (unless your phone is on ‘do not
disturb’ mode, in which case, just wait 20 seconds until you remove your phone from the
connection light).
As the BlinkUp is light sensitive please try not have any strong, direct light next to the
connection light.
Ensure the WIFI network you are connecting to is a 2.4ghz signal. If you have a dual-
band network that has is split into 5ghz and 2.4ghz, please ensure your device is
connected to the 2.4ghz signal and has forgotten the 5ghz before you start the setup.
If you are having problems connecting to an Android phone or tablet, please ensure the
Screen brightness is not set to Auto.
Screen brightness is at maximum.
If you have a Samsung phone, Power Saving is off.
WiFi Compatibility
Smarter products are only compatible with WiFi routers emitting 2.4gHz signals.