Set Up (iOS)
App Setup (iOS)
Step 1:
Go to the Apple App Store
and Search for “
and install the official
Step 2:
Open the SmartDry App and “Allow
No fica ons”. Con nue to follow the
in App instruc ons.
Step 3:
Pull the ba ery tab, ghten the screws
and place your sensor in the dryer. The App will
scan for the saucer ID or you can Enter the sensor
name – 6 digit alpha numeric code found
on the back of the sensor.
Step 4:
The app will scan for the hub, when it is
found, click on the hub name to con nue.
Step 5:
Verify your network name (2G) and
enter your password.
Step 6: If setup is successful
you will receive
two no fica ons, one from the Hub and one
from the sensor which indicates that the setup
is complete
Hardware Notes:
WIFI and Bluetooth must be enabled on the
mobile device prior to star ng a setup.
SmartDry will only connect to your 2.4Ghz WiFi.
For Best Results:
The SmartDry Hub should be
plugged in within 10 feet of your clothes Dryer.
Posi on the magne c sensor inside the dryer
up against one of the internal paddles and
roughly centered between front and back
of dryer.
Tes ng SmartDry
- With SmartDry installed,
start your dryer. Open the App and a er a
few seconds you will see the dryer status
upda ng.
Let the dryer run for 2-3 minutes. Stop the Dryer
and you will get an alert that the dryer has
stopped shortly a er.
Using SmartDry:
SmartDry is very easy to use. Once installed,
simply start the dryer and you will get your
no fica ons automa cally. You can open the
App any me to set and save other alerts or
to see the dryer status.
The app can be closed at any me and you
will be automa cally alerted for each new load.
Just set it and forget it!
Made in the USA
by Connected Life Labs.
For support:
Email: [email protected]
Call 732.532.6169