Power light
Speaker status
Room participants are
unable to hear remote
Unmute the audio in Skype for
Business Room System software.
Turn up the volume in Skype for
Business Room System software.
For SMART Board 8084i-G4
interactive flat panels, ensure the
AUDIO2 input is
page 77).
Ensure the audio processor is
receiving power and is connected
as shown in the installation
instructions (see page 10).
Room participants can hear
remote participants, but the
sound is quiet.
Using the console, turn up the
volume in Skype for Business Room
System software settings.
Room participants can hear
remote participants, but the
sound is distorted, or there’s
One or more of the remote
participants’ audio systems is
causing the distortion or feedback.
Mute individual remote participants
until you identify the remote
participants with problematic audio
systems. Ask those remote
participants to troubleshoot their
audio systems.
Resolving software issues
This section explains how to resolve common issues with the room system’s software.
Before troubleshooting issues with your room system’s software, ensure the latest versions of the
software are installed (see
Updating software and firmware
Resolving issues with the calendar
If the Skype for Business Room System software calendar doesn’t appear on the console and
interactive flat panels, or if it indicates that the room is free for 24 hours when you know that is has
been booked for meetings, there is an issue with the connection between the room system and
your organization’s Microsoft Exchange server. For assistance with these and other network issues,
contact your organization’s network administrator.
Improving the restart time
If you find the room system takes a long time to restart when you are modifying settings, you can
remove unused Microsoft language packs to improve the restart time. For more information, see
Improving the start-up and restart time on a SMART Room System with Skype for Business