Sling 4 TSi
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Aircraft and Systems
Document Number: DC-POH-001-X-F-3.0
Page | 7-28
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/07/14
Fuel System
The aircraft has two fuel tanks, one located in the inside leading edge
of each wing.
Volume of wing tanks: 2 x 88 (23.25 US gallons) litres (176 litres (46.5
US gallons) total, 172 (45.4 US gallons) litres useable).
Volume of wing tanks: 2 x 99 (26.15 US gallons) litres (198 litres (52.31
US gallons) total, 194 (51.25 US gallons) litres useable).
Each tank is equipped with a vent outlet. A drain valve is located in the
lowest point of each tank. A tank outlet/fuel pick-up is located at the
lowest point of the inboard sidewall of each tank. A finger screen is
fitted to each fuel pick-up. The fuel selector valve is mounted on the
lower centre instrument panel (refer to cockpit layout, paragraph 7.9).
Fuel feed is through the facet posi-flow electrical boost pump and
Rotax fuel pump. The facet posi-flow has a parallel in-line check valve
and is activated with one signal switch mounted on the instrument
panel. The Rotax fuel pump has a parallel installed check valve (NRV)
across each pump.
Fuel return lines return excess fuel supplied by the fuel pump(s) to the
fuel tank in use.
The fuel pick-up pipe in the fuel tank is situated adjacent to the lower
inside wall of the tank. The aircraft should at no time be subjected to a
sustained sideslip towards a near empty fuel tank, as it may cause air to
be drawn into pickup, as fuel will run to the tip end of the tank. This
poses a significant threat when at low altitudes, such as landing.