Sling LSA
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Aircraft and Systems
Document Number: DC-POH-002-X-A-6
Page | 7-9
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/04/23
Baggage Compartment
The baggage compartment comprises of two sections positioned
behind the seats and is designed to carry up to 15kg (33lb) in total.
There is a narrow and slightly narrowed front section, and a higher,
larger back section. Subject to the weight limitation, luggage may be
loaded into the front or back section.
It is the pilot’s obligation to
ensure that the aircraft CG is within the permissible limits and that all
baggage must be properly secured
The aircraft is equipped with a sliding canopy mechanism. External
access to the cabin is form either side. Latching mechanisms are
provided inside and outside of the top roll-over bar, in the centre.
Ensure that the canopy/mechanism is securely latched into position
before operating the aircraft.