2007- 2010 GM 1500
Pick-Up / SUV 4WD
6” Suspension Lift
Installation Instructions
* Metric / Standard Wrenches & Sockets
* Allen Wrenches
* Drill & Assorted Drill Bits
* Floor Jack
* Jack Stands
* Measuring Tape
* Torque Wrench
* Reciprocating Saw
* Grinder
I-C766SP REV2 7-10
Pg 1
Before beginning the installation, thoroughly & completely read these instructions & the enclosed
driver’s WARNING NOTICE. Affix the WARNING decal in the passenger compartment in clear view
of all occupants. Please refer to the Parts List to insure that all parts & hardware are received prior
to the disassembly of the vehicle. If any parts are found to be missing, contact SKYJACKER®
Customer Service at 318-388-0816 to obtain the needed items. If you have any questions or
reservations about installing this lift kit, call SKYJACKER® Technical Assistance at 318-388-0816.
Make sure you park the vehicle on a level concrete or asphalt surface. Many times a vehicle is not
level (side-to-side) from the factory & is usually not noticed until a lift kit has been installed, which
makes the difference more visible. Using a measuring tape, measure the front & rear (both sides)
from the ground up to the center of the fender opening above the axle. Record this information
below for future reference.
Driver Side Front:
Passenger Side Front:
Driver Side Rear:
Passenger Side Rear:
• This lift is determined from the amount of lift to the front of the vehicle, while only lifting the
rear to a position level with the front.
• If larger tires (10% more than the stock diameter) are installed, speedometer recalibration
will be necessary. Contact your local GM dealer or an authorized dealer for details.
• After installation a qualified alignment facility is required to align the vehicle to factory