– Adjust supporting arm at slide with locking pin.
Number of visible holes -arrow- = 5.
– Lift gearbox using workshop crane and gearbox lifting tackle -
MP3-478 (3336)- .
– Place down gearbox, e.g. in a transport container.
Installing the gearbox
– Before installing, unscrew plug for gearbox oil inspection and
if necessary top up with gear oil
– Capacity and specification:
♦ Fabia II
♦ Roomster
♦ Rapid
♦ Rapid NH
The gearbox is installed in the reverse order for removal. Observe
the stress-free assembly bracket in the vehicle.
– Always replace lock washers -1-, -2- and -3- after each disas‐
sembly ⇒ electronic catalogue of original parts .
– After installing, check gear oil level
Clean splines of drive shaft and apply a thin film of grease -
G 000 100- .
The clutch plate must slide freely up and down the drive shaft.
If the gearbox is replaced, ensure the intermediate plate be‐
tween the engine and gearbox is correctly installed.
Check whether the dowel sleeves for centering the gearbox
are present in the cylinder block, insert if necessary.
Assemble exhaust system free of stress ⇒ Engine; Rep. gr.
26 .
Installing starter and electrical cables ⇒ Electrical System;
Rep. gr. 27 .
If the battery earth strap is disconnected and connected, carry
out additional operations ⇒ Electrical System; Rep. gr. 27 .
Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R ...
Gearbox 02T - Edition 05.2014