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Electronics AS
Edition: 2021-09-16
ESN100 Operation and Installation Manual
Chapter: System Setup
Dimming setup
The Dimming levels can be set up on this screen. The user can select dimming and color choices for the 4
preset levels that can be sent remotely (using DDC NMEA command). When the user uses the on screen
dimming, the color scheme will change when the dimming level passes the set % value.
Network setup
The system uses TCP/IP for upgrade, and as default is set to Subnet mask is set to The system allows use of private IP addresses including the recommended IP addresses
according to the standard. If a non recommended IP address is entered, a pop up warning will show, and the
colour of the IP address on screen will be orange. Only static addresses can be used.
The system uses the IEC61162-450 (2018) LWE communication standard. This uses a multicast methodol-
ogy, where NMEA style messages are sent on one of a number of multicast addresses/ports, as specified
in the standard. These are called transmission groups, and the natural group for the system is navigation
‘NAVD’. Messages are sent using the datagram type UdPbC & RaUdP is used for echogram data. On startup
a Identification message (SRP) is sent on the NETA group, dedicated for this as defined in the standard. This
information will give the System Function Identifier (SFI), MAC address and the IP address.
This standard requires a unique identifier for this equipment this is called the System Function Identifier
(SFI). This is set by default to SD0105, but can and should be changed if more than one device on the net-
work. The SFI is made up of 2 letters ‘SD’ as designated for an echosounder, and 4 digits from 0001 to 9999.
This is used to allow the equipment to identify itself to other equipment, and to filter which messages are
aimed for this device.
SFI, and IP address can also be adjusted using the SKIPPER service software. UDP messages can also be
viewed from this software.
The messages sent can use the following tag blocks as defined in the standard: s:,d:,g:,x:,z:,n: