Super Shot Deluxe
Assembly and Operating Manual
Page 20 of 52
Unit Number.
Next, you assign a number to this particular unit. It is best to number the units from left to right in
numerical order. In Competition games , the Scoreboard will display the scores of others players in the following order,
with the numbers below corresponding to the numbers assigned to the units in the Option Settings.
1 2 3
4 5 6
It is important to assign the number to each unit corresponding to its physical position.
The Master does not need to be assigned any particular number nor be physically placed in any particular position.
However, we recommend that Master be Unit No. 1 and placed as the left-most game of your set.
Installed Units.
If you have set this unit as the Master, next you have to set how many other games are linked to this
Master and assign numbers to those units.
For purposes assigning unit numbers, Buttons “A” and “B” toggle between including / excluding the number within the
linked Network. When the number is the blocked in lights, that number is to be included in the Linked Network; when
the number is just shown normally, then that number is to be excluded from the Network. The number assigned to the
Master is automatically included in the Network and cannot be excluded.
Pressing Button “C” selects the display setting and moves on to the next number. Once you have selected to include or
exclude numbers 1 through 6 within the Network, the Scoreboard moves on to the next Option Setting, “Option C,
Coin /
If you have three games linked together, you should set numbers 1, 2, and 3 as included in the Network and numbers 4, 5,
and 6 as excluded.
Link Delay
. In a Master Unit, you next select the length of time between when the first player presses a game Select
Button and the beginning of a Competition game. This is the period in which other players coining up may “vote” for
which game they wish to play in the Competition game by pressing the button of their choice. See “ Game Play-
Competition vs. Solo Play.” The amount of time for which the Link Delay should be is about 3 seconds. If you have six
units, the Link Delay should be about 8 to 10 seconds.
Select to Join
. This Option permits the operator to determine whether players coining up during the Link Delay must
press a Button to join the Competition Game (Enabled), or whether the player automatically joins as long as they coin up
prior to the end of the Competition countdown (Disabled.)
The Default Setting is to disable the network and treat the unit as a non-linked game.
In this option, the operator set the game to accept coins (including bills if applicable), tokens, value, or a card reader. The
reason for this is so that the Scoreboard informs the player the appropriate pricing, (e.g. 50 c (value) per game versus 2
(tokens) per game or 2 (coins) per game).
When game is set for coin, it displays number of coins to be inserted which is generic vs. value in U.S. Dollars.
If “coins” is selected, the operator then selects the denomination of coin.