AK28 HD/HD+ User Manual V1.1
2020 SIYI Tech All Rights Reserved
Do not forget to check battery level of the transmitter and the receiver before starting
your aircraft/vehicle.
Always power off your aircraft/vehicle first, AK28 HD/HD+ transmitter the second.
Before changing any settings for the transmitter, make sure your aircraft’s/vehicle’s
engines are powered off and their motor wires are off connection, in case of a sudden switch
When you start your aircraft/vehicle for the first time, make sure that the fail-safe
settings in your AK28 HD/HD+ transmitter is activated.
Always switch on the transmitter first and hold the throttle joystick at its bottom
position, then power on your aircraft/vehicle.
1.3 Precautions on Charging AK28 HD/HD+
AK28 HD/HD+ transmitter is equipped with a replaceable and chargeable
12960mAh LiPo 1S battery and a 5V/2A Micro-USB charger adapter.
Do not use any USB chargers over 5V output to charge the transmitter.
For the best charging experience, please power off your transmitter before charging.
The charging current should not exceed 2A.
Stop charging immediately if you found the charger damaged, broken or overheat.
Stop charging immediately if there was a peculiar smell, smokes or leaks. In such cases
you shall sent the transmitter back to your dealer for after-sales service.