SITEC Srl Elettronica Industriale
– TIM_72_EN_R.3
Pag. 1 di 6
Elettronica Industriale
Via Antonio Tomba , 15 Loc. Tomasoni
36078 Valdagno (VI) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0445 431576 Fax. +39 0445 439588
Sitec timers allow a quick and clear time setting and are provided with accurate and reliable electronic circuits.
Time is set by means of a handy ring nut which can be easily operated even when wearing gloves.
The visual display consists of three high luminosity displays and an 11-LED bar.
The degree of protection on the front panel is IP65 and so it guarantees an excellent protection from powders and liquid
It is possible to have timers with front silk screen prints with 10- or 20-scale (seconds, minutes or hours), also customized.
Their characteristics make them very suitable for those practical uses requiring the control of two work times.
Power supply is shielded in order to comply with the regulations on emission of and insensitivity to electromagnetic
As to outputs, the timers are provided with two 16A power relays; this allows to control directly also the contactors (for th e
control of 20 KW motors) without requiring the use of support relays.
The timers are provided with two opto-insulated inputs: a start input (to start the count) and a memory input (if the start
signal fails, it saves the counting value reached).
It is possible to select the working mode by means of configuration microswitches placed on the back of the box.
The single ring nut is also available as spare part. It can be easily replaced by unscrewing a screw.
Specifications for kneading machines
These timers have been specially designed for the control of kneading machines with two work times.
More particularly:
They endure powders
They are provided with memory function
They are very resistant to voltage fluctuations (the 24V model continues to operate also with 18V voltage)
They guarantee the transition from the first to the second speed also in very critical situations (the speed change signal
remains active for a second)
They control the pan reversal from the first to the second speed through a pan stop of 1,5 seconds (they avoid abrupt
They allow the machine manual operation without adding any external selector switch
They do not require support relays as they are provided with 16A internal relays
They make it possible to make electric systems at reduced costs (they simplify wiring)
They have proved to be extremely reliable