5 Operation
5.5 Main home screen
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions SIROLaser Xtend
63 18 351 D3576
D3576. 11.2018
If the calibration check is passed successfully, the message "Calibration
Test passed" will appear.
➢ Acknowledge with 'OK'.
If the laser shows an error message, please contact your local service.
Sound volume
Select volume level of warning sound and press button sound by
using 'plus' or 'minus'.
Level of warning and press button sound will immediately be
Save with 'OK'.
Display settings
Select level of display brightness by using 'plus' or 'minus'.
Level of display brightness will immediately be applied.
Save with 'OK'.
User parameters
The user parameters menu is only available after the upgrade.
When entering the user parameters menu, the key user is already
configured, similar to a computer administrator. This administrator has
the possibility to enter five additional users (via new button).
The set-up of the key user is fixed and not changeable, but to give
him a user name (e.g. SMITH instead key user) and to change the pin
code 2 9 7 4.
The key user is the administrator of the SIROLaser Xtend and has all
rights to create and configurate five new users as well as to remove
them from the list of users.
The additional users will have access only to limited parts of the Set-
up: Language, display setting, sound volume, history file, finger or
foot switch, battery calibration.
The configuration for the selection finger or foot switch, and the
screen and volume settings are not stored individually.
If key user presses the 'new' button on user parameters screen a blank
file is opened.
➢ To enter the name, pin code and other settings of the new user
press the appropriate buttons.
The key user decides if this user will be allowed to change preset
If 'no' is entered there will be no My Settings screen for this user.
The key user decides if this user will have a power limit for treatments. If
yes is entered the key user also enters the power limit in watt.