59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
3 Operation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Image management
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
Example dialog box
Importing an image
function enables image data exchange between different
systems, i.e., it is possible to load images that have been produced by a
system other than SIDEXIS as well as images that have been produced and
exported by another SIDEXIS system before.
For images that have already been exported using SIDEXIS, all available
image information such as exposure date and findings are also exported with
the image.
The images integrated into the system in this way can be processed like
normal exposures. Clear assignment of the image to one patient is also
required here.
This function can be used for X-ray and video images.
Before importing an image, the user should be absolutely sure that the
correct patient is registered.
The representation and resolution of imported images depends on the
imported images.