Using the SNYPER with Android™ devices
The SNYPER range of handheld cellular signal testers has a built-in display which enables the
user to view the survey results. However, this display is of limited resolution (240 x 320 pixels)
and certainly nowhere near the size or resolution of the display on a modern smartphone or
When back in the office it is easy to connect to a PC to view the .HTML files that the SNYPER
can create.
Once you have connected your SNYPER to a PC you connect to the SNYPER's internal HDD
and download surveys which have been collected in the field.
In addition to downloading the .HTML surveys locally to your PC you can also upload the
surveys to the Siretta CloudSURVEY Mapping Portal which stores all of your surveys in one
central location and allows you to view the approximate base station location on a detailed
digital map.
Click here to access the
However, it is also possible to view these .HTML files on a modern Android based smart phone
or tablet that supports USB OTG (On-The-Go).
This application note explains how to access the detailed SNYPER survey information directly
on your smart phone or tablet.
Does my phone/tablet support USB OTG?
1. Search Google Play™ store for an application called “OTG?”
Siretta Limited - Enabling Industrial IoT https://www.siretta.com | +44 1189 769000 | [email protected]