Rolled Hem
Sewn with 2 or 3 threads:
Rolled hems are ideal
edge finishings for fine
silks and other light
Safety Stitch
Strong seaming and
finishing in one easy step –
because it’s fast and
extremely durable!
The great variety
of popular stitch
programs includes:
Chain Stitch
Suitable for durable
straight seams – and for
stunning decorative top-
Cover Hem
Finishing and topstitch-
ing in one simple opera-
tion: The fastest way to
sew a perfect seam.
It’s more fun to sew
like the professionals !
The New QuantumLock
Sewing with a serger? It instant-
ly suggests practical and time-
saving finishing of stretch fabrics
and extremely flat-finished seams
on difficult materials.
That’s absolutely right!
however, lets you do much more
than simply sewing, cutting and
finishing: The vast range of
professional stitch programs
perfectly copes with all modern
materials, letting you venture
any sewing project you have
been dreaming about.
An absolute highlight is the
2-3-4-5-thread system of the
that even produc-
es those stitch types usually
found on designer fashion and
accessories or any other store-
bought things. With even better
Can you imagine being able to master
even intricate sewing techniques
conveniently in one simple step?
Thanks to clever specialty feet of the
you can let
your imagination run wild. Exquisite
decorative effects, fancy embellish-
ments and special finishing techni-
ques can easily be achieved on the
– with equally fast
and professional results.
Curious to know more about
a serger’s vast potential ?
Your SINGER® Dealer will be delighted
to give you the full story.
Dream seams
don’t end here !
O p t i o n a l P r e s s e r F e e t
Dream Seams !
The New QuantumLock
Thread System
SINGER® is a registered trademark of The Singer Company Limited
or its affiliates; © 2005 The Singer Company Limited