The ECDIS system
This is a type approved Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), and
conforms to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements for vessels that are
subject to SOLAS regulations.
The system displays the vessel position, speed and course in real time on the chart, based on
information received from navigational sensors. The vessel’s symbol is displayed with actual
heading, and speed vectors may also be indicated. Chart information critical to safe
navigation defined by IMO will always appear on the display, while other chart information
may be switched off.
Based on speed and course information, the system generates danger and grounding alerts,
independent of mode of operation.
The system includes route planning, and routes are planned independent of the actual vessel
position. The routes are checked for dangerous position of waypoints and legs as the route is
planned. The routes are stored and may be recalled whenever necessary. The system has no
limitations to the number of waypoints in a route.
Both hardware and software in the system are ECDIS type approved. The type approval
certificates are available from the product site on
The operational area of this ECDIS using ENC charts is between latitude 85° N and 85° S.
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standards the system should meet are
available at
ECDIS requirement
According to the SOLAS convention three key components must be fulfilled if a vessel is to
satisfy the chart carriage requirements in SOLAS by electronic means:
The ECDIS must conform to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). To meet these
requirements the system must be type approved
The ECDIS system must have a back-up arrangement. This could be either a folio of paper
charts or other non-paper, back-up solution decided by the relevant maritime
The charts used on the ECDIS system must be Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs)
following the standard set by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
An ECDIS system is allowed to be used with non-approved
charts. However, the use of the system with non-approved charts is limited
to those areas where approved charts are not available. When non-
approved charts are used, the ECDIS must be used together with an
appropriate folio of up-to-date paper charts!
When using a non-approved chart, this message will appear.
| ECDIS900 Operator Manual